smeconsulting - a consulting service for SME-sized Not for Profits wanting to strengthen their risk management, finance policies, finance strategy, procurement processes, business resilience and/or business flexibility.

The Private and Not for Profit Sectors

It is a myth that the private and not for profit sectors are somehow vastly different universes. The reality is that organisations operating in both sectors need; business strategies, business models, financial & digital controls, KPIs, staff incentives, effective risk management, budgets, funding pitches, audits, effective team leadership and effective governance oversight. Simon Leicester SME…

Risk Management

Risk Management, like people management, is multi-dimensional. Risk magnitude is a form of valuation estimate. Risk probability is a form of uncertainty estimate. Risk velocity is about impact speed of the threat or opportunity. Risk breadth is about surface area vulnerability. If you want to be effective in risk management, consider all four things. Conventional…

Scenario Planning, BCP, Risk Registers and Real Options Portfolios

‘What if’, scenario planning can foster useful discussion on the kind of future you can expect.  Such planning helps a organisation decide whether it should take action now, in anticipation of various potential futures. Those actions might involve considering; innovation, efficiency and resource focus for greater impact. Unfortunately, in the not for profit sector, many…

Benchmarking in the Not for Profit Sector

Emerging threats and underperformance cause organisations to engage in benchmarking. Benchmarking also moves the focus from absolute improvement to relative improvement. In the Not for Profit sector, at any point in time, organisations can concentrate on step-change innovation or improving efficiency, since it’s difficult to do both simultaneously. Yet both are necessary for growth. And…